Experts in Web Development


We come up with a concept or idea that need to be developed or our client put forward an idea he want us to develop.

Step 1

Analysis Stage

At this stage we visualize the concept in question, we analyze it and process how to find the solution to the concept or idea. This involves a good team work with good understanding of the concepts. Our business team and the development team are part of this process and work closely to meet the required standard.

Step 2

Business Meeting

Our business team hold meetings to begin the development of the idea into reality.

Step 3

Development Techniques

Our team begins to anylyze the concept or idea in depth and bring up the development techniques that will be employed to achieve the desired outcome. This include the suitable framework to be used and the best programming language for the task. It also invoves the required tesing to be carried out to ensure that application works as expected in order to meet our client needs.

Step 4


Our developers transform the idea or concept into machine understandable tasks, and the tasks are shared into different phases from begin phase to finish phase.

Step 5

Development process

Our Developers swing into action. Our developers meet all development standard to bring the idea and concept into reality. Each step of the development phase is achieved individually or in a group to ensure a reliable app is developed. Afterwards all the testings phases of the application is carried out to ensure the app works correctly.

Step 6

Our Development Process


Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis is the first phase of the our web development lifecycle. In this phase we understand our client requirements. Every client has his website or web app requirements, strategies, and planning for the development of their website that has to be met. For this reason our team of experts work together with our client to ensure this requirement is met.


Wireframe and Website Design

A wireframe is an essential part of the website or web app development life cycle. By designing a wireframe, we understand the exact flow of your website or web app development and solve any problems it comes with. Our experts uses different web design tools such as adobe to create wireframes and prototypes for your websites.


Web Development Stage

After the first two phases are concluded. In this phase of web development, the entire Web development methodology is followed to complete the web development project.


Testing Phase

At the testing phase, our quality assurance team testers, test the compatibility, usability, functionality, and performance of the completed project to ensure that there is no error and the completed website or web-app works as expected. There are different types of testing that needs to be completed which includes unit testing, regression testing, functionality testing, compatibility testing, responsive testing, load testing. Once the testing is successful, the website can be deployed.


Server Setup and Final Launch

Once the testing phase is over, The lauching phase begins. We ship your website using a file transfer protocol like FTP. We push code of your website via the Jenkins test server or live server. Another test is conducted to check the flow, design, and navigation of the entire website to ensure everything works correctly.


Website Maintenance

We monitor and maintain your website for free for four weeks after uploading the entire website to the server. Within this time we will keep you informed with the progress of your website.