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First contact with client

We arrange a first video meeting with our client, to understand which of our services our customer needs. This help us to start a good relationship with our clients, for stronger cooperation.

Step 1

Phisical Meetings

In some cases we have one on one contact with our clients virtually, to build good business relationship. This can be via video meetings or we can visit our client.

Step 2

Client Business meeting

Our business team will hold meeting to understand, the scope of the services needed and how it can be executed. To enable our team provide the best services to our clients.

Step 3

Signing of contract

The client and one of our business team member, will sign a contract physically or online.

Step 4

We value our clients highly

Assurances are given to our client to expect excellent work and promptly.

Step 5

Development strategy

Our business and development strategists swing into action to come up with the required solution and how it can be achieved. Which is then forwarded to the development team to start development. The development team ensures that the task is completed promptly and the client is notified.

Step 6

Timely Delivery

We value our clients time. The required services is completed on the required time.

Step 7


Our client is happy because the task is completed timely and done qualitatively. We also ensure required standards are met, which meets our client satisfaction.

Step 8